The power of Echinacea

The different varieties of echinacea

There are several varieties of echinacea, the most used are called "angustifolia" which means that its leaves are fine and "purpurea" to evoke the purple color. Its name comes from the Greek echino “thorn” and the natives spoke of the “hedgehog” plant in reference to its bristling flower head. It is also sometimes called “hare’s ear” because of the drooping nature of the liguliform flowers which are confused with petals.

The benefits of echinacea

Echinacea was the subject of rigorous studies in Switzerland and Germany almost 30 years ago by Professor Wagner. It has thus acquired its reputation across the Rhine where it is almost always used as first intention in ENT for the prevention of viral diseases. The use of antibiotics is therefore much lower.
We know thanks to the scientific study of its components that three of them give it a specific antiviral action: caffeic acid, chicoric acid and echinacein. This action is attributed to the increase in the level of properdin, the function of which is to dispatch white blood cells to the site of infection. to fight viruses and bacteria.
In his book "The Power of Plants", James A Duke writes that echinacea is, rightly, the most widely used antiviral herb. Knowing that the prevalence of viral infections in ENT is largely the majority. Echinacea is a valuable aid in preventing the onset of colds and other rhinopharyngitis...

In the “four seasons complex”, echinacea provides support for propolis, already well known for its antiviral properties…

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